The ACG Building Systems Commissioning Guideline: Best Practices for Independent Third-Party Commissioning Providers is now available! The new guideline offers best practices for executing the ASHRAE Standard 202 process with details for commissioning specific types of building systems, along with insight and strategies from experienced commissioning providers on a variety of topics.
ACG has designed the ACG Building Systems Guideline as an all-digital, living document that will be regularly improved, updated and expanded. ACG & EMA members receive complimentary access through their member portals, while non-members can gain access to the downloadable and printable guideline here.
CxA Exam Candidates Please Note:
Because the new ACG Building Systems Guideline is still being significantly updated and expanded, the 2nd Edition ACG Commissioning Guideline (below) is still the official reference for exam preparation purposes (as noted in Section 2 of the CxA Candidate Handbook). Once the process of aligning the exam with the new Building Systems Guideline is complete, the exam preparation reference will be officially updated. (Feel free to contact ACG at [email protected] if you have any questions.)
Commissioning Guideline, 2nd Ed.
The ACG Commissioning Guideline, 2nd Ed. provides a comprehensive description of the commissioning process and includes sample forms, specifications, checklists and other commissioning documentation. Download the ACG Guideline (PDF) using the links below.
ACG Commissioning Guideline (pdf)
Appendix A Sample Request for Proposal for Commissioning Services (pdf)
Appendix B Sample Specification (Contractor Responsibilities) (pdf)
Appendix C Sample Format for System Verification and Start-Up Checklists (Word doc)
Appendix D Sample Checklists for Functional Performance Tests (Word doc)