Membership & Certification

CxA Recognitions

Federal, and NGO

American National Standards Institute Accreditation

The CxA certification program is accredited by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) based on the International Standard ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024. ANSI Standard 17024 is well-recognized within the industry as the highest standard in personnel certification accreditation.

Department of Energy Better Buildings® Workforce Recognition

Better Buildings - U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Energy recognizes the CxA program for being aligned with the Better Buildings® Workforce Guidelines and for having received qualified accreditation by the American National Standards Institute in compliance with ISO/IEC 17024:2012.

UFGS 01 91 00.15 10 Total Building Commissioning

This Unified Facilities Guide Specification (UFGS) from the Department of Defense covers Total Building Commissioning requirements for new construction and major renovations for Army and Air Force projects. Under Part 1, 1.8, it is required to provide a commissioning firm that is certified by the AABC Commissioning Group, among other organizations

UFGS 01 91 00.15 Total Building Commissioning

This Unified Facilities Guide Specification (UFGS) from the Department of Defense guide specification covers Total Building Commissioning requirements for new construction and major renovations. This guide specification is for Navy use only. Under Part 1, 1.8, it is required to provide a commissioning firm that is certified by the AABC Commissioning Group, among other organizations.

Federal Building Personnel Training Act (FPTA) Aligned

Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 – Directs the Administrator of General Services (GSA) to: (1) identify, annually, the core competencies necessary for federal personnel performing building operations and maintenance, energy management, safety, and design functions to comply with requirements under federal law, including competencies relating to sustainability, water efficiency, electrical safety, and building performance measures; and (2) identify a course, certification, degree, license, or registration to demonstrate, and for ongoing training in, each core competency for the appropriate category of personnel. Requires individuals in each category to demonstrate each core competency identified for the category within one year.

California Commissioning Collaborative

california commissioning collaborative

The CCC is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. Its purpose is to improve building and system performance by developing and promoting viable building commissioning practices in California and to identify opportunities, establish priorities and promote solutions relating to building commissioning processes in California.

Whole Building Design Guide

whole building design guide

The Whole Building Design Guide is described by the Federal Energy Management Program as “a complete internet resource to a wide range of building-related design guidance, criteria and technology,” and meets the requirements in guidance documents for Executive Order 13123. Interested parties may find the AABC Commissioning Group under the industry organization directory.

Governmental Energy Benchmarking, Disclosure and Retrocommissioning Laws

New York City Local Law 87

NYC Mayor's Office of Sustainability - Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency

Local Law 87 (LL87) mandates that buildings over 50,000 gross square feet undergo periodic energy audit and retro-commissioning measures, as part of the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan (GGBP). CxA is an approved Retro-commissioner Certification and Training Provider.

San Francisco Existing Commercial Buildings Ordinance

SF Environment

Residential buildings with 10,000 square feet or more of space that is heated or cooled and existing multifamily residential buildings with 50,000 square feet or more of space that is heated or cooled must report energy benchmarking and energy audits. The CxA is recognized as a prerequisite to provide energy audits for ordinance compliance

Washington, DC Construction Codes, Green Building Act


Commissioning is required for projects subject to the 2013 DC Green Construction Code that are either (1) new construction, (2) level 3 alterations, or (3) level 1 and 2 alterations 50,000 square feet or greater. Certified ACG members are an approved commissioning agency under this program.

Montgomery County Benchmarking Law

CxA Recognized Montgomery County Environmental Protection

Building owners are required to benchmark the energy use of their nonresidential buildings 50,000 square feet and greater in the county in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, and report it to the County for public disclosure. The CxA is a Recognized Data Verifier for building owners reporting benchmarking information (found under Step 3: Data Verification).

Boulder Building Performance Program

Boulder Colorado Recognizes the CxA

This ordinance requires privately-owned commercial and industrial buildings and city-owned buildings to report energy use and perform periodic energy assessments, retrocommissioning, and lighting upgrades. The CxA is recognized as a Retrocommissioning Professional under Minimum Qualifications.

  • CxAs qualify to complete a 30 minute online training session to be included in Boulder’s “List of Qualified Service Providers.”

Alaska Department of Education & Early Development

Alaska Department of Early Development Recognizes CxAs

The Alaska Administrative Code requires that the selection of a commissioning agent for a project funded under AS 14.11 shall conform with requirements of 4 AAC 31.065. CxAs are an approved commissioning agent for the Department of Education and Early Development projects.

City of Austin Ordinance – No. 20100408-051

CxA Recognition

In the City of Austin, having the CxA certification is an acceptable requirement for a project commissioning authority for new buildings of 10,000 gross square feet of conditioned space or greater.

Seattle Building Tune-Up Program

cxa recognitions

All buildings with 50,000 square feet or more of nonresidential space (excluding parking) must comply with the Building Tune-Ups requirement every five years. CxAs are recognized as persons qualified to conduct a tune-up assessment, identify required tune-up actions, perform tune-up actions and/or verify that tune-up actions were completed, and submit the Seattle Building Tune-Up report to the City of Seattle.

Boston’s Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO)

Boston BERDO

Boston’s updated Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) sets requirements for large buildings to reduce their energy and water use data. The goal is to reduce their emissions gradually to net zero by 2050. The CxA is recognized as a qualified commissioning professional credential. Click here to download BERDO policies and procedures (CxA is on the final page).

city of reno

Reno, NV Energy and Water Efficiency Program

The energy and water efficiency program requires covered properties to benchmark energy and water performance. The CxA and CxT are recognized as qualified retuning professional.

chula vista

Chula Vista Building Energy Saving Ordinance

In support of the City of Chula Vista’s Climate Action Plan, the city adopted the Building Energy Saving Ordinance that will enhance market transparency for building efficiency by making energy performance data available to existing and prospective owners and lessors. CxAs and CxTs are recognized as qualified retrocommissioning professional under this program.


texas pace authority

Texas Pace Authority

Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE) is a proven financial tool that incentivizes Texas’ property owners to upgrade facility infrastructure with little or no capital outlay. To successfully complete a PACE application, all projects must be accompanied by an audit from an Independent Third Party Reviewer (ITPR). The CxA is one of the credentials accepted.

city of madison energy savings program

City of Madison Building Energy Savings Program


The new ordinance, active in January 1st of 2024, requires owners of commercial buildings 25,000 square feet or larger to annually benchmark energy use by using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Owners of commercial buildings 50,000 square feet or larger must conduct tune-ups every four years. The tune-ups include checking HVAC and lighting systems to ensure that energy waste isn’t taking place and that maintenance or repairs can be recognized to improve the systems. CxAs are cited as qualified tune-up specialists, with the tune-up specialist finalizing and signing the tune-up report. Download the full ordinance language here.


Army COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Army service members find information on industry-recognized certifications and licenses,  and has recognized the Certified Commissioning Authority (CxA) as adhering to DoD credential standards. Service members can request funding for the CxA exam and training through the Army Credentialing Assistance (CA) Program.

DOD Civilian COOL

DOD Civilian COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps DOD Civilian employees find information on certifications and licenses related to their job and has recognized the EMP certification as adhering to DoD credential standards. In general, training and certification funding for civilian employees is determined and budgeted for at the Command level through Local Organization Funding.

Navy Cool

Navy COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Navy service members find information on certifications and licenses related to their military occupation and civilian careers and has recognized the CxA certification as adhering to DoD credential standards. Service members can request funding approval for the CxA exam and training through the Navy’s Credentials Office.

Coast Guard COOL

Coast Guard COOL

Coast Guard COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Coast Guard service members find information on certifications and licenses related to their military occupation and civilian careers. Service members can request funding for the CxA exam and training through the Coast Credentialing Assistance Program.

Fort Collins, Colorado

The Fort Collins, CO Operations Services’ Building Design and Construction Standards were prepared by the Facility Services Department to assist and guide Architects & Engineers (A&E) in the preparation of designs and contract documents for projects administered by the department. In Section 01 91 00 – Commissioning, the CxA is recognized as a qualification for commissioning-related activities required for larger projects and new buildings.

Clark County, NV
More info to come.

Utility Incentive Programs

Pepco (MD) Operations & Maintenance Training (qualified training provider)

The Pepco (MD) Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Training Program offers financial incentives that cover up to 100% of enrollment costs, or a maximum of $1,000 per course, for building operation personnel to receive nationally recognized training. ACG has been recognized as a qualified training provider.

BG&E Building Operation Training (qualified training provider)

The BGE Building Operator Training Program offers financial incentives that cover up to 100% of enrollment costs, or a maximum of $1,000 per course, for building operation personnel to receive nationally recognized training.

Delmarva Power Operations & Maintenance Training (qualified training provider)

The Delmarva Power Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Training Program offers financial incentives that cover up to 100% of enrollment costs, or a maximum of $1,000 per course, for building operation personnel to receive nationally recognized training. ACG is an approved training provider in this program.

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative Building Operator Education (qualified training provider)

The SMECO Building Operator Education Program offers financial incentives that cover up $1,000 per course for building operation personnel to receive nationally recognized training. ACG is an approved training provider in this program.