ACG Board Member Charles Jackson, P.E., CxA teased his upcoming CxEnergy presentation in CSE.
Learning Objectives
- Focusing on operational and energy conservation deliverables during the design can save money and time during the lifetime of the building.
- Specifying metering and trending during the design and establishing trends during construction allows the building to build the framework for ongoing monitoring.
- Commissioning can be leveraged as the gateway between construction and operations and help with knowledge transfer.
Building operations and maintenance insights
- The building can operate more smoothly and efficiently by including operations and maintenance as part of the early phases of a design and construction project.
- Commissioning can improve energy efficiency and provide ongoing O&M checkpoints.
One of the biggest challenges with new construction is transferring the knowledge gained during the construction process to the operations and maintenance team, who must manage the building for its lifetime. Far too often, the O&M staff have not been hired until after the project has been completed.
As a commissioning professional, I’ve had a unique perspective being part of the construction team and meeting with the operations team during training and the warranty period. From an O&M standpoint, there can be many challenges during the first year of operations, ranging from creating a preventive maintenance program, energy management initiatives and just learning how to operate the new systems in the building. Understanding the operational needs throughout the phases of a project can set up the framework to allow the building to operate successfully.
Design is where we can develop requirements that are not only followed through the project but can be used by the…